Important Dates
Submission Open : May 1st, 2023
Deadline for Abstract/ paper : September 11th, 2023
Registration Deadline : September 11th, 2023
Conference Date : October 26th – 27th, 2023
The conference activities have been held, Thanks to sponsors, co-hosts, keynote speakers, track chairs, scientific committee members, presenters and participants.
NCBF 2023
Best Paper
#Track Digital Innovation and Banking
Herlina – Institut Agama Islam Alquran Al-Ittifaqiah Indralaya Sumatera Selatan
#Track Accounting, Financial Governance, and Sustainability
Anitha Soleha Satria & Kurniawati – Trisakti University
#Islamic Economics and Finance
Afifatunisa Luthfiyah – Indonesia Banking School
Download Proceeding Here:
ICBF 2023
#The Best ICBF
#Track Digital Innovation and Banking
1. Ghita Lazaare & Ouaffa Ghannam-Zaim – Groupe Institut Supérieur de Commerce et d’Administration des Entreprises, Morocco
2. Nevi Arisona, Whony Rofianto, Anna Riana Putriya – Indonesia Banking School, Indonesia
3. Nova Novita, Marcela Kusuma, and Zahra Khairani – Indonesia Banking School, Indonesia
#Track Accounting, Financial Governance, and Sustainability
1. Rosita Suryaningsih & Olivia – Universitas Multimedia Nusantara, Indonesia
2. Mohd Azim Sardan, Husnizam Hosin, Juliana Mohamed Abdul Kadir, Yan-Ling Tan – Universiti Teknologi Mara (UITM) Cawangan Johor Kampus Segamat, Malaysia
3. Patricia Diana & Stefanie Evetania Widjaja – Universitas Multimedia Nusantara, Indonesia
#Track Islamic Economics and Finance
1. Alaida Najieb – Indonesia Banking School, Indonesia
2. Jihan Putri Zalmaida & Erric Wijaya – Indonesia Banking School, Indonesia
3. Nor Hazila Ismail & Maizura Md Isa – Universiti Teknologi MARA Cawangan Johor, Malaysia
#The Best Presenter
Ghita Lazaare & Ouaffa Ghannam-Zaim – Groupe Institut Supérieur de Commerce et d’Administration des Entreprises, Morocco
Best Paper
#Track Digital Innovation and Banking
Herlina – Institut Agama Islam Alquran Al-Ittifaqiah Indralaya Sumatera Selatan
#Track Accounting, Financial Governance, and Sustainability
Anitha Soleha Satria & Kurniawati – Trisakti University
#Islamic Economics and Finance
Afifatunisa Luthfiyah – Indonesia Banking School
Download Proceeding Here:
The digital revolution is transforming the global economic and financial system. The changes are inevitable and challenges arise in balancing technological advancement with limited natural resources. The goal of creating a sustainable society is equally important as digital advancement in the fast pace of the world’s economic transformations. As a Higher Education Institution, Indonesia Banking School aims to address these crucial issues in an International and National – Virtual academic conference on banking and finance.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sudaporn Samwong
KMITL Business School, Bangkok Thailand

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Bogdan Nichifor
Faculty of Economics, University of Bacau, Rumania

Prof. Johan de Jager
Research and Development Professor, Tshwane University of Technology, South Africa

Associate Professor Dr. Amirul Afif Muhamat
UiTM, Malaysia
To Be Confirmed
Indonesia Banking School
Dr. Antyo Pracoyo

Dr. Chico A. E. Hindarto
Dr. Whony Rofianto
Conference accepts Business & Management related topics in general including various topics in Accounting, Finance, Marketing, Organizations, Entrepreneurship, and Economics,
Track 1 : Digital Innovation and Banking
Track 2 : Accounting, Financial Governance, and Sustainability
Track 3 : Islamic Economics and Finance
Conference receives Abstract and (or) Full Paper Abstracts submitted will be published in the conference proceeding by IBS Press with an ISBN number.
Full papers submitted before deadline will be considered for publication in the partner/home journals :
- Studies and Scientific Researches Economic Edition – Bacau University Romania (International, DOAJ)
- Jurnal Administrasi Bisnis – Univ. Diponegoro (Sinta3, DOAJ)
- Jurnal Akuntansi Aktual – UNM (Sinta 3, DOAJ, Copernicus)
- Jurnal Tata Kelola dan Akuntabilitas Keuangan Negara (TAKEN) – (Sinta 2, DOAJ)
- Jurnal Paradigma – UNISMA (Sinta 4)
- Jurnal Ekonomi, Manajemen & Perbankan – IBS (Nasional)
- Jurnal Keuangan dan Perbankan – IBS (Nasional)
- Jurnal Ilmu Manajemen & Ekonomika – IBS (Nasional)
More journals are to be confirmed.
Award for Best Paper in every track (ICBF)
Award for Best Presenters in every track (NCBF)
All conference participants must pay the registration fee. For each paper/poster, at least one author must attend and pay the registration fee. Delegates can choose any of the options given below to participate at the Conference. Please see above registration deadlines and payment instructions below.
National Conference (NCBF) : IDR 250,000
International Conference (ICBF) : IDR 2,500,000 / USD 170
**Registration include certificate for presenters, abstract proceeding, and include Article Processing Charge (for accepted full paper submitted before August 17th)
International Conference Sponsorship
- By sponsoring our event, your institution can benefit from exposure to international and national communities including academics, practice, and regulators.
- Institution logo in all publications national and international conferences.
- Free 30-60 second video of company profile to be played during the conference.
- Free conference registration for 2 international conference participants from your institution with publication in an international journal.
- A chance to participate as an invited speaker in an international conference from your organizations or track chair in the international conference.
- By sponsoring our event, your institution can benefit from exposure to international and national communities including academics, practice, and regulators.
- Institution logo in all publications national and international conferences.
- Free conference registration for 1 international conference participant from your institution with publication in an international journal.
- A chance to participate as an invited track chair in an international conference from your organization in international or national conference.
- By sponsoring our event, your institution can benefit from exposure to international andnational communities including academics, practice, and regulators.
- Institution logo in all publications national and international conferences.
- Free conference registration for 1 international conference participant from your institution with publication in an international journal.
University and Journal Collaboration
National & International Conference Co-Hosting
- By sponsoring our event, your Higher Education Institution can benefit from exposure toInternational and National Community including academics, practice and regulators.
- Strengthening network by MOU and implementation of MOU in form of conference collaboration.
- University logo in all publications national and international conference.
- Free conference registration for 3 national conference participants from your university with publication in national journal.
Journal Collaboration
- We are searching for collaboration with academic journals within the Business and Managementdiscipline for the conference publication.
- The journal criteria should be open access and have ISSN and accredited SINTA, DOAJ, SCOPUS,WoS, or other indexing.
- We will publish the logo of the journals and the institution in exchange of fast publication in your journal. The conference can also discuss covering portion of APC article publication charge if needed.